Welcome to the LAMurakami rhel-skel Static Website

This repo was created Wednesday 2/18/2015 with the comment: skel files from /etc/skel of RHEL 6.5 (Santiago)

More than 5 years later this repository was unchanged with only the single commit which added the files until I added this /docs directory and set the repository to publish to GitHub Pages from this source.

I found a copy of the repository at /mnt/Bk0/Bk/alpha-data/w/arsc/pacman/u/skel with 2/18/2015 dates and git@ak7:rhel-skel.git as the remote.origin.url and git@github.com:LAMurakami/rhel-skel.git as the remote.github.url.

The contents of the repository were not what I was playing with. I was playing with my own git server authenticating with ssh.

I started up ak7 which is now a Linux Mint test box but still has the old root directory from when it was running CentOS 6 and was my main server. I see the git user ${HOME} directory has world read and execute rights and multiple repos.

This is a Public site and the publishing source is open-source

A clone of the source can be made in any directory you have write access to with the following:

git clone https://github.com/LAMurakami/rhel-skel
cd rhel-skel

If the location you downloaded to is within the DocumentRoot of a site the Static Website copy should work as long as the pages all use relative references as intended. I use a location within a site (currently https://ak20.lam1.us/Temp/rhel-skel/docs) so I can test that the links are relative.


upThis page up was last updated Tuesday, June 13, 2023 @ 8:24:53 PM (Alaska Time)