
Make a stand alone version of a MediaWiki page.

I am able to create a stand alone web page for a MediaWiki page using cut and paste from the source view of the LAMipeda page and minimal editing.


Cut From: <!-- bodytext --> To: <!-- /bodytext --> # Vector Skin

Cut From: <!-- start content --> To: <!-- end content --> # MonoBook Skin

I have found it easiest to put the complete source in the temp file then delete all before and all after the above tags.

On ak19

cd /mnt/ak20-ext4/Temp

On the local machine

rm temp.html
leafpad temp.html &
WEB_PAGE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-WEB_page.html
ll ${WEB_PAGE}
rm ${WEB_PAGE}
scp -p ${WEB_PAGE} q:/mnt/Bk0/Temp

Hints for using vi to edit the temp.html text file, stripping before and after bodytext.

To turn on line numbers:

<escape>:set nu

To go to the first line in the file:


To go to the bodytext comment:


To go to the next in the same direction:


To delete from the beginning to a line number:


To delete from a line number to the end:


Strip wiki style

Give a jekyll build stand alone page file the MarkDown extension of .md which can have the jekyll front matter and html source.

The following stripped the edit links and all class information except the span tags which become green.

cat temp.html \
| perl -pe 's|<span><span>\[.*?\]</span></span>||' \
| perl -pe 's|||g' \
| perl -pe 's|<span>(.*?)</span>|$1|g' > ${WEB_PAGE}
chmod a+r ${WEB_PAGE}



leafpad ${WEB_PAGE} &

Note that leafpad is a lightweight gui editor that is not installed by default on ARSC machines but I have put a copy in ~murakami/bin on jeeves and a few other machines. You can of course use the editor of your choice;-)

  • Strip script from the end of the toc table.
  • Move toc to bottom
  • Move "Retrieved from" to below toctitle
  • Remove Categories
  • Insert header
  • Add </body></html> to end

jekyll build Head section:

layout: page
title: "hp-setup - Printer/Fax Setup Utility"

If there was a table of contents add a link to it after the jekyll front matter with:

<span style="float: right;"><a href="#toc">Contents</a></span> Head section:


<title>Cabo Weeks 2015</title>

<link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="/Images/My/LAM.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Public/Style.css" />


<a href=".">
<img src="/Images/My/lam1-us.png"
alt="LAM1 US logo" border="0" width="135" height="98" style="float: left;"/></a>

<h1 >&nbsp;

Cabo Weeks 2015


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