The Data Scientist's Toolbox course is a Johns Hopkins University MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) offered through Coursera I took in 2015. One of the tasks of the course is "Create a GitHub repository".
A clone of the source can be made in any directory you have write access to with the following:
git clone cd datasciencecoursera
If the location you downloaded to is within the DocumentRoot of a site the Static Website copy should work as long as the pages all use relative references as intended. I use a location within a site (currently so I can test that the links are relative.
The main tasks of the course included Installation of R and RStudio but the course also promoted GitHub as one of the tools of a Data Scientist.
At the end of the course this repository had only the default file of a repository and a file with specific markdown text specified in the task.
This is the second site I have hosted on GitHub Pages. My first GiHub page was the user page for my LAMurakami account sourced from the master branch of a new repository with the custom name. This GitHub Page is sourced from the /docs directory in the master branch of a previously existing repository. As a repository directory it's default published URL is a sub-directory of the domain ( and a CNAME record can be used to set the custom name.
After setting up the /docs directory as the GitHub Pages source for this repository I decided to modify the main to link to the GitHub Page as well as the course description. I looked through my notes and do not see that the main GitHub Markdown was required and deleting the repository was also not required.
I wonder how many repositories named datasciencecoursera exist on GitHub. Mine has existed for 5 years and now with the modifications will exist even longer. I have now completed a second GitHub Pages task: Create a /docs directory and set it as the GitHub Pages source for an existing repository.
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was last updated
Sunday, July 10, 2022 @ 4:52:38 PM (Alaska Time)